Coffee & Careers Scholarship Winner – Second Place

Clint Edmunds University of Georgia – Doctoral Candidate – Swine Nutrition How nutrition can modify the environmental impact of swine production. One of the major issues facing the swine industry today is the concern of negative environmental impact. In practical swine diets, some particular nutrients are always overfed, which can lead to the increased excretionContinue reading “Coffee & Careers Scholarship Winner – Second Place”

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Coffee & Careers Scholarship Winner – Third Place

Samson AbiodunOladukun Dalhousie University – Ph.D. Student In Poultry Nutrition Enzyme supplementation to non-traditional ingredients with the objective to lower feed cost without affecting performance. By 2050, the demand for animal protein (meat and milk) is expected to increase by 57% and 48%, respectively, due to a projected increase in the global population [1]. Accordingly,Continue reading “Coffee & Careers Scholarship Winner – Third Place”

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